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2 ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den örtlichen Bau- und Installationsvorschriften ausgeführt werden. Bei Fragen bitte fachlichen Rat einholen. FRANÇAIS L installation doit être réalisée en conformité avec les normes actuelles relatives à la construction et à la plomberie. En cas de doute, contacter un professionnel. NEDERLANDS De installatie dient plaats te vinden volgens de geldende plaatselijke voorschriften voor bouw en water. Neem bij twijfel contact op met een vakman. DANSK Installationen skal udføres i henhold til gældende lokale regler for byggeri og VVSarbejde. Kontakt en fagmand, hvis du er i tvivl. ÍSLENSKA Uppsetning þarf að vera í samræmi við gildandi byggingar- og lagnareglugerðir. Hafðu samband við fagaðila ef þú ert í vafa. NORSK Installering skal utføres i henhold til gjeldende lokale lover og regler om rørleggerarbeid. Kontakt fagfolk, hvis du er i tvil. SUOMI Asennus tulee tehdä paikallisten rakennusja putkiasennuksia koskevien sääntöjen mukaisesti. Kysy tarvittaessa neuvoa ammattilaiselta. SVENSKA Installation skall göras enligt gällande lokala föreskrifter vid bygg- och vatteninstallation. Är du osäker, kontakta fackman. ČESKY Instalace musí být provedena dle místní konstrukce a dle vedení potrubí. Pokud si nevíte rady, kontaktujte odbornou osobu. ESPAÑOL La instalación debe realizarse siguiendo las normativas actuales sobre construcción y fontanería. En caso de duda, ponte en contacto con un profesional. ITALIANO L'installazione deve essere eseguita in conformità alle norme edilizie vigenti e a quelle relative agli impianti idraulici. Se hai dubbi, rivolgiti a un esperto. MAGYAR A beszerelést az aktuális helyi szerelési és csatornázási szabályozásnak megfelelően kell elvégezni. Tanácsért fordulj szakemberhez. POLSKI Instalacja musi zostać wykonana zgodnie z obowiązującymi, lokalnymi przepisami budowlanymi i hydraulicznymi. W razie wątpliwości skontaktuj się ze specjalistą. EESTI Paigaldama peab vastavalt kehtivatele kohalikele ehitus-ja sanitaartehnilistele määrustele. Kahtluse korral võtke ühendust professionaaliga. LATVIEŠU Montāža jāveic saskaņā ar spēkā esošiem vietējiem būvniecības un santehnikas noteikumiem. Šaubu gadījumā vērsieties pie profesionāļa. LIETUVIŲ Montavimo darbai turi būti atliekami pagal galiojančius statybos ir santechnikos norminius aktus. Jei kyla abejonių, kreipkitės į specialistus. PORTUGUÊS A instalação tem que ser realizada em conformidade com os regulamentos actuais locais de construção e canalização. No caso de dúvida, contacte um profissional. ROMÂNA Instalarea trebuie făcută în concordanţă cu regulile locale de construcţie şi instalaţie. Dacă ai nelămuriri, contactează un specialist. SLOVENSKY Pri montáži dbajte na dispozicie priestoru a iných zariadení. Ak si nie ste istí, privolajte odbornú pomoc. БЪЛГАРСКИ Монтажът трябва да се извърши в съответствие със валидните строителни и водопроводни изисквания. Ако имате въпроси, свържете се със специалист. HRVATSKI Instalacija se mora obavljati sukladno važećim lokalnim građevinskim i vodoinstalaterskim propisima. Ako niste sigurni, kontaktirajte stručnjaka. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ Η εγκατάσταση θα πρέπει να πραγματοποιείται σύμφωνα με τους ισχύοντες τοπικούς κανονισμούς κατασκευών και υδραυλικών εγκαταστάσεων. Εάν έχετε κάποια αμφιβολία, επικοινωνήστε με ένα επαγγελματία. РУССКИЙ Установка должна производиться в соответствии с текущими местными правилами по установке смесителей. В случае каких-либо сомнений обратитесь к профессиональным водопроводчикам. УКРАЇНСЬКА Встановлення має виконуватися відповідно до чинних місцевих будівельно-сантехнічних норм. Якщо у вас виникли сумніви, зверніться до фахівця. SRPSKI Instaliranje mora da se izvrši u skladu s važećim lokalnim građevinskim i vodovodnim propisima. Ukoliko si u nedoumici, obrati se profesionalcu. SLOVENŠČINA Montaža mora biti opravljena v skladu z veljavnimi lokalnimi gradbenimi in vodoinštalaterskimi predpisi. Za nasvet se obrni na strokovnjaka. TÜRKÇE Tesisat, yerel yapı ve tesisat gerekliliklerine uygun olarak yapılmalıdır. Tereddüt ettiğiniz bir konu olursa profesyonel bir kişi ile temas kurunuz. 中文必须遵循当地的建筑和管道工程法规进行安装 如果存在疑问, 请咨询专业人员 繁中需依照當地建築物及配管系統規定安裝, 如有疑問, 請聯絡專業人員 한국어건축및배관과관련된지역현행법규을준수하여설치하세요. 필요한경우, 전문가에게문의하세요. 日本語お住まいの地域の建築基準や配管基準に従って設置を行ってください ご不明な点がございましたら 専門業者にお問い合わせください BAHASA INDONESIA Pemasangan harus memenuhi peraturan konstruksi listrik setempat dan peraturan pemipaan. Jika terdapat keraguan, hubungi profesional. BAHASA MALAYSIA Pemasangan mesti dilakukan agar mematuhi peraturan binaan dan pemasangan paip di kawasan anda. Jika anda ragu, hubungi pakar dalam bidang pemasangan. عربي يجب أن يتم التركيب وفق األنظمة المحلية الحالية لإلنشاء والصرف الصحي. إذا كان لديك شك اتصل بالجهة المختصة. ไทย การต ดต งก อกน ำต องเป นไปตามระเบ ยบการก อสร าง และการประปาในท องถ นของค ณ หากม ข อสงส ย กร ณา ต ดต อช างผ ช ำนาญงาน 2 AA

3 ENGLISH NOTE! Silicone is not included. DEUTSCH BITTE BEACHTEN! Silikon ist nicht beigepackt. FRANÇAIS ATTENTION! Silicone non incluse. NEDERLANDS N.B. Siliconen niet inbegrepen. DANSK BEMÆRK! Silikone medfølger ikke. ÍSLENSKA ATHUGIÐ! Silíkon fylgir ekki. NORSK NB! Silikon medfølger ikke. SUOMI HUOM! Silikoni ei sisälly pakkaukseen. SVENSKA OBS! Silikon medföljer ej. ČESKY UPOZORNĚNÍ! Silikon není součástí balení. ESPAÑOL ATENCIÓN! Silicona no incluida. ITALIANO N.B. Il silicone non è incluso. MAGYAR FIGYELEM! A csomag szilikont nem tartalmaz. POLSKI Uwaga! Silikonu brak w komplecie. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ! Η σιλικόνη δεν περιλαμβάνεται. РУССКИЙ ВНИМАНИЕ! Силикон не прилагается. УКРАЇНСЬКА ПРИМІТКА. Силікон не додається. SRPSKI NAPOMENA! Silikon se ne dobija uz proizvod. SLOVENŠČINA POMNI! Silikon ni priložen. TÜRKÇE NOT! Silikon ürüne dahil değildir. 中文注意! 不含硅胶 繁中注意! 不含矽樹脂 한국어주의! 실리콘은포함되어있지않습니다 日本語注意! シリコンは付属していません BAHASA INDONESIA CATATAN! Tidak disertakan silikon. BAHASA MALAYSIA NOTA! Silikon tidak disertakan. ไทย หมายเหต! ซ ล โคนแยกจ ำหน าย عربي ملحوظة! السليكون غير متضمن. EESTI TÄHELEPANU! Silikooni pole kaasas. LATVIEŠU UZMANĪBU! Komplektā nav iekļauts silikons. LIETUVIŲ DĖMESIO! Silikonas nepridedamas. PORTUGUÊS ATENÇÃO! Não inclui silicone. ROMÂNA Atenţie! Siliconul nu este inclus. SLOVENSKY POZOR! Silikón nie je súčasťou balenia. БЪЛГАРСКИ ВАЖНО! Комплектът не включва силикон. HRVATSKI NAPOMENA! Silikon nije priložen. 3

4 AA x 4 AA

5 5

6 6 AA

7 7


9 ø 35mm 9

10 AA AA

11 11

12 12 Inter IKEA Systems B.V AA

document indd

document indd KATTEVIK ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



GUTVIKEN GUTVIKEN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



ALDERN ALDERN ENGLISH As wall materials vary, screws for fixing to wall are not included. For advice on suitable screw systems, contact your local specialised dealer. DEUTSCH Da es viele



LILLÅNGEN LILLÅNGEN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig


document indd

document indd BROGRUND ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd VOXNAN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd VOXNAN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd ENSEN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



INSJÖN INSJÖN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



LÖVSKÄR LÖVSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



LAGAN LAGAN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



RUNSKÄR RUNSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



RÖRSKÄR RÖRSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



EDSVIK EDSVIK ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



BUDSKÄR BUDSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



ENSEN ENSEN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd RUNSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd RUNSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



VOXNAN VOXNAN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



DOMSJÖ DOMSJÖ ENGLISH Follow the installation instructions supplied with the mixer tap and the water-trap. NOTE! Silicone is not included. To prevent water from entering between the countertop and the sink, seal



ALESKÄR ALESKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd TOLLSJÖN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



BOHOLMEN BOHOLMEN ENGLISH Follow the installation instructions supplied with the mixer tap and the water-trap. NOTE! Silicone is not included. To prevent water from entering between the countertop and the sink,



LAGAN LAGAN Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. Die Installation muss entsprechend den örtlichen Bau- und



BROGRUND BROGRUND ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



VOXNAN VOXNAN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



TILLREDA TILLREDA ENGLISH Warning! Before proceeding with installation, read the safety information in the User Manual. DEUTSCH Achtung! Vor der weiteren Installation unbedingt die Sicherheitsinformationen in der



RINGSKÄR RINGSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd TÄMNAREN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd BOSJÖN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



BRIMNES BRIMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



HEMNES HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



BRUSALI BRUSALI ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



HEMNES HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



SAMMANHANG SAMMANHANG ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



FJÄLLBO FJÄLLBO ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



FJÄLLBO FJÄLLBO ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



LIXHULT LIXHULT ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



IVAR IVAR ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



OMBYTE OMBYTE ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference DEUTSCH Wichtige Information Sorgfältig lesen Diese Information aufbewahren WARNING Serious or fatal crushing



MORLIDEN MORLIDEN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



KLINGSBO KLINGSBO ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



REGISSÖR REGISSÖR ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



VITHAVET VITHAVET ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



MORLIDEN MORLIDEN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



TUFFING TUFFING ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



HEMNES HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



IVAR IVAR ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from


Navod_HM Storage over toilet+...

Navod_HM Storage over toilet+... HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



TRYSIL TRYSIL ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



HEMNES HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



BRUSALI BRUSALI ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



GNEDBY GNEDBY ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



BRUSALI BRUSALI ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



IVAR IVAR ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



LILLÅNGEN LILLÅNGEN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



TRYSIL TRYSIL ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



ALGOT ALGOT ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



MALSJÖ MALSJÖ ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



MALSJÖ MALSJÖ ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



LAPPLAND LAPPLAND ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



KALLAX KALLAX ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. NEDERLANDS Belangrijke informatie Goed lezen Bewaar deze informatie voor toekomstig gebruik NORSK Viktig



STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. FRANÇAIS Information importante A lire attentivement. Conserver ces informations pour un usage ultérieur.



LILLÅNGEN LILLÅNGEN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



DALSKÄR DALSKÄR ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



BOSJÖN BOSJÖN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den



NYVATTNET NYVATTNET ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend



STORJORM STORJORM ENGLISH The assembly should be carried out by a qualified person due to the fact that wrong assembly can lead to that the furniture/object topples or falls resulting in personal injury or damage.


document indd

document indd GALANT ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tipover. To prevent this furniture from



BROGRUND BROGRUND ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den


document indd

document indd IKEA PS ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tipover. To prevent this furniture from



HEMNES HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



PAX PAX ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. FRANÇAIS Information importante A lire attentivement. Conserver ces informations pour un usage ultérieur.



LAPPLAND LAPPLAND ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



MALM MALM ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



BREIM BREIM ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



BESTÅ BESTÅ ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



BRIMNES BRIMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



OXBERG OXBERG ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



OXBERG OXBERG ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



ENETRI ENETRI ENGLISH Important information Read carefully Keep this information for further reference WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture from



MULIG MULIG ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



VESKEN VESKEN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



SILVERÅN SILVERÅN ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



HEMNES HEMNES ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



BISSA BISSA ENGLISH Important information Read carefully. Keep this information for further reference. WARNING Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from furniture tip-over. To prevent this furniture



untitled EN Installation Instruction Warning! Before proceeding with installation, read the safety information in the User Manual. DE Montageanweisung Achtung! Lesen Sie vor Beginn der Installation die Sicherheitshinweise


820 DOD II.indd

820 DOD II.indd Installation Instruction Montageanweisung Instructions d installation Istruzioni di installazione Installationsvejledning Instruções de instalação Instrucciones de instalación Installatie-instructies Инструкции



ÄLMAREN ÄLMAREN ENGLISH Installation must be performed in compliance with current local construction and plumbing regulations. If in doubt, contact a professional. DEUTSCH Die Installation muss entsprechend den
